It Whispers Let's Talk
Your experience can be a shared experience. Faced with questions and the unexpected, our It Whisper’s, Let’s Talk (link) Facebook group is meant just for you as an ovarian cancer survivor. This is a safe space in a closed group setting for survivors to receive support and discuss life following diagnosis. We know your experience is worthy of talking about; you don’t have to go it alone. Our goal is to help fill the gap between medical treatment and emotional support. While you may be nervous at first to share personal information with people you don’t know, we all get the most support from open and honest participation.
The Mayo Clinic cites the following benefits of participating in a support group:
Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged
·Reducing distress, depression, anxiety or fatigue
Talking openly and honestly about your feelings
Improving skills to cope with challenges
Staying motivated to manage chronic conditions or stick to treatment plans
Gaining a sense of empowerment, control or hope
Improving understanding of a disease and your own experience with it
Getting practical feedback about treatment options
Learning about health, economic or social resources
If you are a caregiver in need of support, join our Facebook group Teal Towers (link).