"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the things which you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Have you suddenly found yourself in the role of caregiver in addition to being a spouse, partner, parent, child, sibling, or friend? If you are helping someone who is undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer, in whatever way you are involved -big or small- you are now a caregiver. We want you to understand that we recognize the commitment you give to take care of someone and provide the love and support they need. We know you often trade pieces of your life and routine that were familiar and comfortable for the unexpected. And you would probably never imagine doing it any other way. Being a caregiver to someone with ovarian cancer is not usually a title you ever expected to have, but here you are nonetheless...signing on for duty. You are a warrior for your warrior!
The Arkansas Ovarian Cancer Coalition is here to support you! If you are caring for someone with ovarian cancer it is important that you are equipped with tools to do this. Visit our Newly Diagnosed page (insert link to Newly Diagnosed) to sign up for a Survivor Bag for the patient if they have not already received one, and read our blog Caregiving is Difficult: How to Do It Well (link to blog) for more information on caregiving.

Join our new Facebook group Teal Towers (link to group) This is a closed, private group designed solely for caregivers. It is important for you to have a place of solace to share experiences, get tips, and find encouragement from others on this same important mission. While you may be nervous at first to share personal information with people you don't know, we all get the most support from open and honest participation.